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Connor's Guide to Concrete Welcome to my new blog! My name is Connor and this my concrete blog. Concrete may seem like a pretty boring subject. But it is only boring if you do not understand the incredible possibilities. When the interior designer I was working with suggested that I install some concrete inside my home I thought he was crazy. I thought concrete was only used for the floor of your garage, your carport or for a patio area. However, when I saw the possibilities that polished concrete offered me in terms of looks and functionality, I was sold! I hope you like my blog.



Main Reasons Why Cracks Would Form On Your Concrete

The high durability that concrete provides makes it a favourite building supply for exterior applications. Nonetheless, despite this inherent stability, it is inevitable for cracks to develop in the concrete. There are two main categories of breaks that you should be aware of. The first category is the dormant cracks, which will develop but remain static for their lifespan. The second category is the active cracks, which will continue to expand if you do not seek immediate crack repairs. In addition to this, there are an array of different kinds of fractures that would affect your concrete surfaces. So what are the main reasons why cracks would form on your concrete?


Cracks resultant o heaving come about when the laid concrete is exposed to shifting. This shifting can happen due to a couple of reasons. The first would be when the earth moves naturally, which would displace some parts of the concrete. The second cause of heaving would be freeze-thaw cycles that happen during the winter when ice is left to accumulate on the concrete. Cracks caused by heaving tend to be active. Therefore, they would need immediate attention before the damage because irreparable.


This type of concrete damage is considered to be the opposite of heaving. Settling occurs when the dry concrete is suddenly disrupted by its base collapsing. One example is if you had laid the concrete over tree roots. When the roots become compromised and start to disintegrate, perhaps due to rot, the base of the concrete will fall in on itself. As a result, the concrete settles further down and cracks form on its surface. Settling may also occur if there is a sudden change in the positioning of underground piping. If the pipes are removed, and the soil sinks deeper into the ground, the concrete will settle too. Thus, it is prudent to ensure that your concrete has a sturdy foundation that would not be affected by any shifting of the soil substrate.

Plastic shrinkage

Cracks that form due to plastic shrinkage come about because the cement mixture was too watery when it was laid down. When there is excessive water mixed with the cement, the water ends up taking up more room than necessary. As a result, when the cement starts to set, the solid compounds steadily separate from the rest of the mixture. When the water eventually evaporates, spaces are left behind within the laid concrete, which causes dormant hairline cracks to form.
